Absonix Holdings Corporation provides the professional business cosnulting
アブソニクス・ホールディングス 株式会社は、ビジネス・コンサルティングを主に提供する会社です。
- Absonix is currently supporting the business of overseas companies in engineering development, especially semiconductor logical and physical development, verification and validation. Starting Analog design and layout support soon.
- An M2M/IoT Service Platform
has been developed and is available to customers. Initial field trials are
being conducted by telecommunications and internet service providers in
- Absonix Holding to engage in
virtual internet shopping as well as electrical stores to service its customers
in Japan
- Carouge is expanding its
cartonnage classes to other cities in Japan.
- Mar. 1, 2018
- A new business partner in India agreed to provide the engineering resources to support engineering activities of our technology department.
- Feb. 28, 2018
- As the result of the live parade auction of Hitachi Construction Machinery, Proxibid bid 30 equipment and the sale is around $650K. Hitachi sold more than $33M for 4 days.
- Sept. 20, 2017
- Expanding our business relationship in Malaysia and Singapore for telecommunication market. Engaged with a large Japanese electronics company for their business development in such regions.