
Absonix Holdings provides professional business consulting services

Phone: +81-45-530-1757


Absonix Holdings Corporation provides the professional business cosnulting services.
アブソニクス・ホールディングス 株式会社は、ビジネス・コンサルティングを主に提供する会社です。


  • Absonix is currently supporting the business of overseas companies in engineering development, especially semiconductor logical and physical development, verification and validation. Starting Analog design and layout support soon.
  • An M2M/IoT Service Platform has been developed and is available to customers. Initial field trials are being conducted by telecommunications and internet service providers in Malaysia.
  • Absonix Holding to engage in virtual internet shopping as well as electrical stores to service its customers in Japan
  • Carouge is expanding its cartonnage classes to other cities in Japan.


Mar. 1, 2018
A new business partner in India agreed to provide the engineering resources to support engineering activities of our technology department.
Feb. 28, 2018
As the result of the live parade auction of Hitachi Construction Machinery, Proxibid bid 30 equipment and the sale is around $650K. Hitachi sold more than $33M for 4 days.
Sept. 20, 2017
Expanding our business relationship in Malaysia and Singapore for telecommunication market. Engaged with a large Japanese electronics company for their business development in such regions.




7-25-22 Okamura, Isogo-ku
Yokohama, Kanagwa 235-0021 Japan

TEL +81-45-530-1757
FAX +81-45-753-9753